Monday, June 21, 2010

CSA Basket #3 and a frittata

Saturday (June 19) I picked up our CSA basket directly from Lyn at the Farmer's Market. Rob and I were going out of town that afternoon, and I didn't want to wait for Lyn to deliver our basket to Bob's. Our basket contained a bunch of beautiful lettuce, spinach, and spring onions. Lyn hadn't grabbed enough eggs when he left the farm, so he asked if I would mind getting 2 dozen eggs next week. I didn't mind not getting eggs because I still had a half dozen left at home!

As I put the veggies away, and Rob got ready to go, I decided to make a frittata before we hit the road. I picked all of the spinach out of our basket and wilted it in our 8-inch non-stick skillet, and tossed in a few onions and a little fresh sage that I had sitting in the fridge. I used up the last of the eggs from last week, and made a tasty, tasty frittata.

In the process of eating our frittata, we also polished off a pint of blackberries. It was the perfect meal before hitting the road.

We took the scenic route to Rob's brother's house in Brookings and partied with Kyle and his friends Saturday night. Sunday, we picked up my Grandma in Flandreau and drove out to Mom and Dad's for some birthday cake (I'm 27!). Dad grilled hamburgers and brats, and we hung out Sunday night and watched a movie. Monday, we drove most of the way home on Hwy 44. It was a far more interesting route - even if it took us almost 7.5 hours! It was a great weekend!

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