Monday, May 10, 2010

Bento #10 - Tortellini and butter beans with pesto

The semester is OVER! My life is no longer controlled by exams, grading or other miscellaneous deadlines. It's time to develop a new routine - one that includes regular exercise (training for Mt. Whitney), and one that includes healthy food. Ideally, I'd like to lose about 5 lbs while training for Whitney, and that probably implies healthier foods and less alcomohols. Or just more exercise and healthier food... It's almost the right weather to ride bike downtown, sit outside Paddy's or Thirsty's or Bully's with a beer or glass of red wine and enjoy the evening!

Today for lunch I returned to my favorite staple: whole wheat tortellini. It's so easy and delicious. I made 7 tortellini (yes, I counted. It's half a serving.), and filled the rest of my large (330 mL) container with butter beans. I found a jar of pesto in the cupboard and mixed in a heaping teaspoon. I sprinkled the top with grated Romano cheese. The small (250 mL) container was filled with leftover steamed veggies: white corn, asparagus and carrots, and lots of salt and pepper.

When it came time to eat, I realized I should have added salt and pepper to the top container. Pesto has a lot of flavor, but salt and pepper would have completed it. I also couldn't finish the beans. CalorieKing says my packed lunch was about 400 calories. I probably ate 350 of them. Oh well, the rest will be a snack before I workout.

It's rainy and crappy out today, so my plan for the evening is to head to the Y for a swim. And for a post workout meal: pork chops! Mmmmm, pig. I could never, ever be kosher. The pig is just TOO TASTY.

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